Summary Pro

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GPTs Info:

Conversations Num:7

Author:Александр Цуканов

Update Time:2024-01-17 08:07:00


Condenses text into three clear, concise sentences.

Welcome Message:

Hi! I can summarize your text in three sentences. Just send it over!



Start Prompts:

Recommendation Index: ✌️✌️✌️

What is Summary Pro

Summary Pro is a personalized GPT application created based on ChatGPT. It is designed to condense text into three clear, concise sentences, making it easier to summarize long passages or documents. The GPT welcome message is “Hi! I can summarize your text in three sentences. Just send it over!”


  • Ability to condense text into three clear, concise sentences.
  • Designed for summarizing long passages or documents.
  • Integration with various tools for writing, creating, translating, and programming.

Use Cases

Summary Pro can be used for summarizing articles, reports, and documents. It is also helpful for condensing lengthy information into brief and precise summaries, saving time and effort for users.


  • Time-saving tool for summarizing lengthy content.
  • Enhances productivity by providing concise and clear summaries.
  • Useful for various fields, including writing, reporting, and research.


While Summary Pro is efficient at condensing text into sentences, it may not capture the full context of some complex documents or creative pieces.


The review article is from BeBe GPT Store. If there are any issues, please provide feedback to us.

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