What is GPTs?

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What is GPTS? An In-Depth Look at OpenAI’s Custom Chatbots

In recent years, as AI technology continues to advance, personalized and customized services have become a trend, and OpenAI, a leader in AI research, has responded to this trend with its GPTs.

GPTs, which stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformers, are based on OpenAI’s previously introduced ChatGPT model and offer more personalized and flexible customization options.

In the past, creating a powerful and customizable AI chatbot required extensive programming knowledge and technical expertise. However, with the advent of GPTs, this has become much easier. Users can create a version of ChatGPT optimized for a specific need or scenario through an easy-to-use interface.

For example, in the education sector, a teacher can create a GPTs specifically for tutoring math problems, while an enterprise user may need a chatbot that can answer industry-specific questions. GPTs offer unparalleled convenience and flexibility for these scenarios.

The concept of GPTs and their appeal

OpenAI involves users in the chatbot creation process by introducing the concept of GPTs.

It not only enhances the user experience, but also opens up a new era in the field of personalized AI assistant development. Here are some of the most attractive features of GPTs:

Easy to get started

No programming background or technical expertise is required to create a personalized chatbot. OpenAI provides an intuitive and easy-to-understand interface and guidance process, making it easy for everyone from hobbyists to professional developers to design and build their ideal AI assistant.

Highly Customizable

Users can configure their GPTs to meet their unique needs, whether it’s adjusting their conversational style, setting the scope of their knowledge, or assigning special skills, all with a few simple settings. This high degree of personalization ensures that each created GPTs has a unique identity and functionality.

What’s more, GPTs support the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) capability, which means that all creators can use RAG to add private data to their GPTs as additional knowledge to the big model, giving their GPTs unique knowledge. In the future, if OpenAI develops GPTs for revenue sharing, the authors will be able to earn revenue from the unique capabilities of the GPTs.

If you have your own unique GPTs, you can also include them in advance through BeBeGPTs, so that more people will know about your GPTs.

How to create your own GPTs?

OpenAI provides a very intuitive and straightforward process for those who want to try out the GPTs feature:

  1. Choose a target: Before you begin, you need to determine what type of tasks or attributes you want your GPTs to accomplish.
  2. Interface: Using the platform provided by OpenAI, click on the “Create a GPT” button to begin the configuration process.
  3. Detailed Settings: During the configuration process, select the appropriate settings according to the desired function, such as language style, knowledge level, etc.
  4. Preview Test: The real-time preview feature allows you to immediately see how the robot will answer a question or perform a task, and make adjustments at any time to better meet your expectations.

GPTS Outlook

Although there are different opinions on whether GTPs will disrupt the existing app stores, their rapid growth rate shows strong potential and influence, with more than 50k+ GPTs created and 30k+ BeBeGPTs collected in just one month since the launch.

Challenges such as security, homogenization and content richness cannot be ignored, but there is no denying that GTPs are opening up a new chapter in the app ecosystem, and in the future they may merge with existing systems and create new forms.


Through the above in-depth exploration, GPTS is no longer just a technical concept, it is a new way to interact with AI.

With the further development and optimization of the technology, GPTS heralds an important trend in AI, namely the future of personalized and customized services.

With GPTS, OpenAI provides powerful tools to a wide community of users, enabling us to utilize AI in ways never before possible.

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