발명아이디어 상품추천 및 특허정보 gpt

발명아이디어 상품추천 및 특허정보 gptTranslation site

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Conversations Num:30+


Update Time:2024-01-17 04:29:00


사용법:질문을 특허나 특허상품, 특허 아이디어와 관련된 주제로 작성해주세요. 예를 들어, “운동을 잘하게 하는 장비나 기술에 관한 특허 아이디어”와 같은 질문은 답변할 수 있습니다.

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[‘dalle’, ‘browser’, ‘dalle’]

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Recommendation Index: ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️

What is 발명아이디어 상품추천 및 특허정보 gpt

GPTs, or Generative Pre-trained Transformers, are advanced AI applications that have revolutionized the field of natural language processing. 발명아이디어 상품추천 및 특허정보 gpt, a GPT application customized based on ChatGPT, is designed to provide recommendations and patent information related to inventions and ideas. This GPT is tailored to answer questions about patentable products, patent ideas, and topics related to patents and patent products. It is a powerful tool for individuals and businesses seeking information and recommendations in the patent and invention domain.


1. Customization: Users can input questions about patentable products, inventions, and patent-related topics to receive detailed and relevant answers. This customization feature ensures that users get specific and accurate information tailored to their queries.

2. Welcome Message: The GPT welcomes users with a friendly greeting, setting a positive and inviting tone for interactions.

3. Tags and Tools: The GPT is designed with tags such as ‘public’ and ‘reportable’ to categorize its functionalities. Additionally, it utilizes tools like ‘dalle’ and ‘browser’ to enhance its capabilities.

Use Cases

발명아이디어 상품추천 및 특허정보 gpt can be utilized in various scenarios, including:

– Research and Development: Researchers and inventors can use the GPT to explore patent ideas, gather information about existing patents, and seek recommendations for patentable products and inventions.

– Business and Innovation: Entrepreneurs and businesses can leverage the GPT to gain insights into the patent landscape, identify potential opportunities for innovation, and make informed decisions regarding patent-related endeavors.


– Access to Expert Information: The GPT provides access to expert-level information about patents and inventions, enabling users to make well-informed decisions and investments.

– Time Efficiency: Users can save time by obtaining quick and accurate responses to their patent-related queries, streamlining the process of gathering essential information.

– Enhanced Creativity: By offering recommendations and insights, the GPT can inspire creative thinking and facilitate the development of innovative patent ideas and products.


– Language Limitations: The GPT may have limitations in supporting certain languages, which can restrict its accessibility to a global audience.


The review article is from BeBe GPT Store. If there are any issues, please provide feedback to us.

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